  • 楊銘峰(115級)
  • 研究方向
  • 雷達系統設計
  • 楊銘峰(115級)
  • 研究方向:雷達系統設計
  • 張恩柔(115級)
  • 研究方向
  • 微波感測技術
  • 張恩柔(115級)
  • 研究方向:微波感測技術
  • 吳昱泓(115級)
  • 研究方向
  • 雷達系統設計
  • 吳昱泓(115級)
  • N26131821@gs.ncku.edu.tw
  • 研究方向:雷達系統設計
  • 王睿祺(115級)
  • 研究方向
  • 微波感測技術
  • 王睿祺(115級)
  • 研究方向:微波感測技術
  • 曾遠騏(114級)
  • 研究方向
  • 雷達系統設計
  • 曾遠騏(114級)
  • 研究方向:雷達系統設計
  • 唐韻翔(114級)
  • 研究方向
  • 微波感測技術
  • 唐韻翔(114級)
  • 研究方向:微波感測技術
  • 黃御倫(114級)
  • 研究方向
  • 雷達系統設計
  • 黃御倫(114級)
  • 研究方向:雷達系統設計
  • 李宗祐(114級)
  • 研究方向
  • 微波感測技術
  • 李宗祐(114級)
  • 研究方向:微波感測技術
  • 王文澔(113級)
  • 研究方向
  • 雷達系統設計
  • 王文澔(113級)
  • 研究方向:雷達系統設計
  • 陳逸軒(112級)
  • 研究方向
  • 微波感測技術
  • 陳逸軒(112級)
  • 研究方向:微波感測技術
姓名 畢業級別 研究方向 發展
雷達系統設計 奇景
雷達系統設計 Garmin
雷達系統設計 Nvidia
微波感測技術 奇景
微波感測技術 聯發科
微波感測技術 高通
雷達系統設計 聯發科
雷達系統設計 中科院
無線傳能 愛斯摩爾
微波感測技術 台達電
無線傳能 立錡
微波感測技術 Garmin
Vital radar system design
微波感測應用 奇景光電
光學檢測、凝血檢測試驗開發 芯鼎
微型化無線傳能 瑞昱
微波工程應用_共振腔微波感測技術 華碩電腦股份有限公司
熱電獵能、DC-DC converter 松翰
DC-DC Converter
壓電獵能IC、啟動電路設計 瑞鼎
匹配電路、共振腔微波感測技術 台光電
植入性生醫天線設計、可撓性天線設計、圓極化天線設計、GIPD天線設計 同步輻射中心
電阻抗凝血 力旺電子(產品部門)
無線傳能 公家機關
Phase Locked Loop / Voltage Control Oscillator、頻域光子遷移系統 (FPDM) 高雄中鋼
energy harvesting 偉群
動物運動平台設計 中山科學研究院
雷達系統 IC設計工程師
功率放大器 Cadence
optic biomed 正文科技股份有限公司
生醫凝血系統 科博館
無線傳能 聯詠
Phase Locked Loop / Voltage Control Oscillator 瑞昱半導體股份有限公司-系統工程師
鎖相迴路、類比數位轉換器 IC設計工程師
生醫植入式天線 四零四科技
高效率超寬頻脈衝波無線傳能系統 泰瑞達TERADYNE-FAE
  • 蔡奇霖
  • N28991316@mail.ncku.edu.tw
  • 研究方向:
  • 植入性生醫天線設計、
  • 可撓性天線設計、圓極化天線設計、
  • GIPD晶片天線設計
  • 興趣:拯救世界,幫助他人
  • 論文發表
  • Journal Papers
    • [2]Chi-Lin Tsai, Chin-Lung Yang,“ Novel Compact Eye-Shaped UWB Antennas ”(accepted) IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters.
    • [3]C.-L. Yang*, C.-L. Tsai, Y.-L. Yang, and C.-S. Lee, “Enhancement of Wireless Power Transmission by Using Novel Multitone Approaches for Wireless Recharging,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, v.10, 2011. (SCI, 19/77, IF=1.032).
    • [4]C.-L. Yang, C.-L. Tsai, K.-T. Cheng, and S.-H. Chen, “Low-Invasive Implantable Devices of Low Power Consumption Using High Efficient Antennas for Cloud Healthcare,” IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems.
    • [5]C.-L. Yang, C.-L. Tsai, and S.-H. Chen,“Implantable High-Gain Dental Antennas for Minimally Invasive Biomedical Devices,”IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation,Major revisions.
    • [7]Tsai, Chi-Lin, Kuan-Wei Chen, and Chin-Lung Yang. "Implantable Wideband Low Specific Absorption Rate Antenna on a Thin Flexible Substrate.“IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 15, 2016(SCI, IF=1.579, ranking=28.6%, R/C=22/77, TELECOMMUNICATIONS).
  • Conference Papers
    • [1]Chi-Lin Tsai, Chin-Lung Yang,“ Highly Efficient Planar Monopole Antennas for 1.8/3.3 GHz Dual Band GSM/WiMAX Operations ”
    • [2]C.-C. Lo, Y.-L. Yang, C.-L. Tsai, C.-S. Lee, and C.-L. Yang, "Novel Wireless Impulsive Power Transmission to Enhance the Conversion Efficiency for Low Input Power," IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Innovative Wireless Power Transmission(IMWS 2011)
    • [3]Y.-L. Yang, C.-L. Yang, C.-L. Tsai, and C.-S. Lee, “Efficiency Improvement of the Impulsive Wireless Power Transmission Through Biomedical Tissues by Varying the Duty Cycle,” IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Innovative Wireless Power Transmission(IMWS 2011).
    • [4]C.-L. Tsai and C.-L. Yang, “A Circular Polarized Antenna with Dual-Feed by GIPD Process,” accepted in 2012 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC2012), 2012
  • 羅濬智(99級)
  • n2697192@mail.ncku.edu.tw
  • 研究方向:高效率超寬頻脈衝波無線傳能系統
  • 發展:電源設計工程師(研發替代役)
  • 興趣:運動、旅遊、美食、交朋友
  • 論文發表
  • Journal Papers
    • [1]C.-L. Yang and C-C Lo, "An Improved UWB Pulse Generator of Alterable Trigger Frequency and Low Ringing Using Hybird Shunt SRD and BJT," in revision of IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett. in Dec. 2010.
    • [2]C.-L. Yang*, C.-C. Lo, and Y.-L. Yang, and C.-S. Lee, “Sub-nanosecond Pulse Generators for Impulsive Wireless Power Transmission, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II.
  • Book Chapter
    • [1]C.-L. Yang, Y. L. Yang, and C.-C. Lo, “Wideband Wireless Power Transmission to Enhance Efficiency for Low Input Power for Biomedical Applications,” in Biomedical Applications, ISBN 980-953-307-203-1, in July. 2012.
  • Conference Papers
    • [1]C.-C. Lo, Y.-L. Yang, C.-L. Tsai, C.-S. Lee, and C.-L. Yang, "Novel Wireless Impulsive Power Transmission to Enhance the Conversion Efficiency for Low Input Power," IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Innovative Wireless Power Transmission (IMWS 2011)
    • [2]J.-J. Luo, S.-J. Huang, C.-L. Yang, “Portable Power-Saving Blood Coagulation Detection Devices for Remote Health Care Systems,” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Symposium, Dec. 2009.
  • 陳盛豪(99級)
  • n2697192@mail.ncku.edu.tw
  • 研究方向:生醫植入式天線
  • 碩士論文
  • 藉ESL輔助設計之無線低侵入式植入生理信號檢測系統
  • 特殊事蹟
    1. 1. 2010 教育部學海築夢 美國普度大學(Purdue)
      IDEAS Lab 學術交流
  • 發展:四零四科技
  • 論文發表
  • Journal Papers
    • [1] C.-L. Yang*, S-H Chen, and C-C Lo, “Simulation of Heterogeneous Integration with RF Modules for ESL Design: a Case Study of Wireless Scheduled Drug Delivery,” submitted to IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals, Communications, Electronics, Information and Systems, Oct. 2011. (SCI)
    • [2]C.-L. Yang, C.-L. Tsai, K.-T. Cheng, and S.-H. Chen, “Low-Invasive Implantable Devices of Low Power Consumption Using High Efficient Antennas for Cloud Healthcare,” IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems
  • Conference Papers
    • [1]Sheng-How Chen and Chin-Lung Yang, “Implantable fractal dental antennas for low invasive biomedical devices,” in Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APSURSI), 2010 IEEE,2010, pp. 1-4.
    • [2]Sheng-Hao Chen and Chin-Lung Yang , “ Simulation and Modeling of Heterogeneous Integrated Systems with RF Modules for Wireless Biological Monitoring and Delivering Devices,” the 22nd VLSI Design/CAD Symposium2011.
    • [3]Sheng-Hao Chen and Chin-Lung Yang, “Wireless Low-invasive Implantable Systems for Basal Body Temperature Monitoring,” BMES2011 (2011生物醫學工程科技研討會).
  • 范銘倫(100級)
  • n26980123@mail.ncku.edu.tw
  • 研究方向:鎖相迴路、類比數位轉換器
  • 論文發表
  • Conference Papers
    • [1] M.-L. Fan and C.-L. Yang, "A Low-Distortion Bootstrapped Switch in Low Supply Voltage," (to be appeared) in 2012 National Symposium Telecommunications (NST2012), 2012
  • 江杰倫(101級)
  • jaylun.chiang@gmail.com
  • 研究方向:Phase Locked Loop / Voltage Control Oscillator
  • 特殊事蹟
    1. 1.教育部2010年學海築夢獎助學金
    2. 2.99年優秀碩班生獎助學金
  • 發展:瑞昱半導體股份有限公司-研發工程師
  • 論文發表
  • 江杰倫,楊慶隆, 「Electronic Stethoscope Array of Heart Sound for Assisting Diagnosis」, 2011生物醫學工程科技研討會暨國科會醫學工程學門成果發表會,成功大學,2011。
  • Journal Papers
    • [1]C.-L. Yang*, T.-H. Huang, C.-L. Chiang, S.-P. Yu, “Dynamic Locking Range Enhancement of Divide-by-Five Prescaler for 24 GHz PLL,” submitted to IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 2012
  • Conference Papers
    • [1]江杰倫,楊慶隆, 「Electronic Stethoscope Array of Heart Sound for Assisting Diagnosis」, 2011生物醫學工程科技研討會暨國科會醫學工程學門成果發表會,成功大學,2011。(Oral Contest).
    • [2]Chieh-Lun Chiang, Chin-Lung Yang, Shao-Ping Yu, “Low-Power Oscillator with Memory Reduction Tail Transistors for 2.4 GHz ISM Band Applications ,” EuMIC 2012.
    • [3]Chieh-Lun Chiang, Chin-Lung Yang, Shao-Ping Yu, “Enhancement of Locking Range For Divide-By-5 Prescaler 24 GHz PLL ,” 23nd VLSI Design/ CAD Symp., (VLSI 2012), Aug. 2012.
    • [4]C.-L. Yang, C.-L. Chiang, and S.-P. Yu, “Dynamic Control to Enhance Locking Range of Divide-by-Five Prescaler for 24 GHz PLL,” to be appeared in IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, June 2013.
  • CIC Tapeout
  • CIC Tapeout chips x 3
  • 楊育林(101級)
  • n26990151@mail.ncku.edu.tw
  • 研究方向:無線傳能
  • 特殊事蹟
    1. 1. 碩士畢業論文(以寬度與波形調變之無線傳能技術提升低輸入功率限制下之能量轉換效率) 獲得台灣電機電子工程學會(TIEEE)最佳碩士論文佳作獎。
    2. 2. 獲得中華民國民生電子學會101年度碩士論文論文獎
    3. 3. 碩士畢業論文榮獲”科林論文獎”
    4. 發展:宏達電-硬體研發工程師
  • 論文發表
  • Journal Papers
    • [1] C.-L. Yang*, C.-C. Lo, and Y.-L. Yang, and C.-S. Lee, “Sub-nanosecond Pulse Generators for Impulsive Wireless Power Transmission,(accepted) IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II. [2]C.-L. Yang*, C.-L. Tsai, Y.-L. Yang, and C.-S. Lee, “Enhancement of Wireless Power Transmission by Using Novel Multitone Approaches for Wireless Recharging,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, v.10, 2011. (SCI, 19/77, IF=1.032).
  • Book Chapter
    • [1]C.-L. Yang, Y. L. Yang, and C.-C. Lo, “Wideband Wireless Power Transmission to Enhance Efficiency for Low Input Power for Biomedical Applications,” in Biomedical Applications, ISBN 980-953-307-203-1, in July. 2012.
  • Conference Papers
    • [1]Yu-Lin Yang, Chin-Lung Yang, Chi-Lin Tsai, and Chieh-Sen Lee, Novel Wireless Impulsive Power Transmission to Enhance the Conversion Efficiency for Low Input Power, IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series (IMWS) on Innovative Wireless Power Transmission: Technologies, Systems, and Applications, 2011.
    • [2]Chun-Chih Lo, Yu-Lin Yang, Chi-Lin Tsai, Chieh-Sen Lee, and Chin-Lung Yang, Efficiency Improvement of the Impulsive Wireless Power Transmission Through Biomedical Tissues by Varying the Duty Cycle, IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series (IMWS) on Innovative Wireless Power Transmission: Technologies, Systems, and Applications, 2011.
    • [3]Y.-L. Yang, C.-L. Tsai, and C.-L. Yang, “Enhancement of Output Voltage for Novel Dental Rectennas,” (accepted to appear) in the 42nd European Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2012.
    • [4]Y.-L. Yang, C.-L. Tsai, C.-W. Yang, and C.-L. Yang, “Using Pulse Width and Waveform Modulation to Enhance Power Conversion Efficiency under Constraint of Low Input Power,” accepted in 2012 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC2012), 2012.
    • [5]Yu-Lin Yang and C.-L. Yang (advisor), “Using Pulse Width and Pulse Shape Modulation to Enhance Power Conversion Efficiency under Constraint of Low Input Power,” in Workshop on Consumer Electronics (WCE2012), Nov. 2012. (Won the Best Thesis Paper Award).
    • [6]C.-L. Yang, Y.-L. Yang, C.-W. Yang, "Implantable RF-DC Rectifier IC of Low-invasive Wireless Power Transmission Systems," (to be appeared) in 2012 National Symposium Telecommunications (NST2012), 2012.
    • [7]C.-L. Yang, Y.-L. Yang, C.-W. Yang, “Adaptive Pulse Waveform Modulation to Enhance Wireless Power Efficiency for Biomedical Applications,” to be appeared in IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, June 2013.
  • 邱彥超(101級)
  • jbdm52098@yahoo.com.tw
  • 研究方向:生醫凝血系統
  • 特殊事蹟
    1. 1. 2011生物醫學工程科技研討會暨國科會醫學工程學門成果發表會獲得口頭競賽-醫療儀器組的優等獎
    2. 2. 2012德州儀器亞洲區DSP應用競賽入圍決賽
    3. 3. 獲得中華民國民生電子學會101年度碩士論文論文獎
  • 發展:台灣積體電路-先進奈米製程整合工程師
  • 論文發表
  • Journal Papers
    • [1]Yan-Chao Chiou, Chin-Lung Yang, Cheng-Wei Chou, Kung-Chia Young, Song-Jeng Huang, Chih-Yi Liu, "Point-of-care Testing Portable Blood Coagulation Detectors Using Optical Sensors," submitted to Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering (JMBE), Jan. 2012 (SCI). (Invited).
    • [2]Chin-Lung. Yang & Yan-Chao Chiou, et al, "Design and evaluation of a portable optical-based biosensor for testing whole blood prothrombin time" accepted for publication in Talanta, 2013.
  • Conference Papers
    • [1]邱彥超,楊慶隆, 「Portable Blood Coagulation Detectors Using Optical Sensors」, 2011生物醫學工程科技研討會暨國科會醫學工程學門成果發表會,成功大學,2011。(口頭競賽-醫療儀器組的優等獎)
    • [2]Yan-Chao, Chiou, Chin-Lung Yang, Portable Blood Coagulation Detectors Using Optical Sensors, Symposium on Engineering, Medicine and Biology Applications (SEMBA), 2011 (Poster).
    • [3]C.-W. Chou, K.-B. Lin, C.-L. Yang, S.-J. Huang, Y.-C. Chiou, C.-H. Huang, M.-T. Tsai, C.-Y. Liu, K.-C. Young, “Novel Portable Optical-based Blood Coagulation Detectors Applying for Prothrombin Time Detection Using Whole Blood,” the 10th Chinese Laboratory Medicine Conference, Taipei, Nov. 4~7, 2011. (Won the Best Poster Paper Award)
    • [[4]Y.-C. Chiou and C.-L. Yang (advisor), “Design and Clinical Verification of High Accurate Portable Blood Coagulation Instrument,” in Workshop on Consumer Electronics (WCE2012), Nov. 2012. (Won the Best Thesis Paper Award)
  • 鄭國村(102級)
  • n26000321@mail.ncku.edu.tw
  • 研究方向:optic biomed
  • 特殊事蹟
    1. 1. 2011全國醫療電子創意競賽,"醫起照護隊"(郭威志、鄭國村、周佑穎、陳丁源)榮獲第三名(總計261隊)
    2. 2. 2012 教育部學海築夢 美國佛羅里達大學(UF) RFCSR Lab 學術交流
    3. 3. 獲得102年度斐陶斐榮譽會員
  • 發展:正文科技股份有限公司-研發替代役
  • 論文發表
  • [1]陳盛豪,鄭國村,楊慶隆, 「Wireless Low-invasive Implantable Systems for Basal Body Temperature Monitoring」,2011生物醫學工程科技研討會暨國科會醫學工程學門成果發表會,成功大學,2011。
  • [2]Kuo-Tsun Cheng, Sheng-Hao Chen, and Chin-Lung Yang, "High Sensitive Wireless Miniaturized Circuit Using Negative Impedance Converter Sampling for Temperature Sensing in Cloud Home Care," submitted to 2011 National Symposium on Telecommunications, Natiomal Dong Hwa University, 2011.(withdraw).
  • [3]C.-L. Yang, C.-L. Tsai, K.-T. Cheng, and S.-H. Chen, “Low-Invasive Implantable Devices of Low Power Consumption Using High Efficient Antennas for Cloud Healthcare,” IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems .
  • [4]K.-T. Cheng, C.-L. Yang, "A Low Power CMOS Ring Oscillator for Med-Radio Band(402MHz)," (to be appeared) in 2012 National Symposium Telecommunications (NST2012), 2012.
  • 周于哲(102級)
  • n26000282@mail.ncku.edu.tw
  • 研究方向:功率放大器
  • 發展:台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司-研發替代役
  • 論文發表
  • [1]Y. C. Chou, C. S. Lee, and C. L. Yang, "An EER Power Amplifier with Ultra-Low Vdd / PM Distortion Using Capacitance Compensation," (submitted) in Asia Pacific Microwave Conf. (APMC2012), 2012
  • [2]Y.-C. Chou and C.-L. Yang, "An EER Power Amplifier with Ultra-Low Vdd / PM Distortion Using Capacitance Compensation," (to be appeared) in 2012 National Symposium Telecommunications (NST2012), 2012
  • [3]Yu-Che Chou, Ching-Lung Yang, "A 24-dBm Power Amplifier in K-Band Using Figure-8 Power Combiner," in the 24th VLSI Design / CAD Symposium, Aug. 2013. (poster)
  • 余紹萍(102級)
  • n26000339@mail.ncku.edu.tw
  • 研究方向:雷達系統
  • 特殊事蹟
    1. 投稿IEDMS之論文獲評選為台灣電子材料與元件協會今年度(2012)之傑出論文獎
  • 論文發表
  • Conference Papers
  • [1]C.-L. Yang*, T.-H. Huang, C.-L. Chiang, S.-P. Yu, “Dynamic Locking Range Enhancement of Divide-by-Five Prescaler for 24 GHz PLL,” submitted to IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 2012.
  • [2]Chieh-Lun Chiang, Chin-Lung Yang, Shao-Ping Yu, “ Enhancement of Locking Range For Divide-By-5 Prescaler 24 GHz PLL ,” VLSI 2012 (poster)
  • [3]Shao-Ping Yu, Chin-Lung Yang, 「 Design of Low-power and Low Phase Noise Voltage Controlled Oscillator for 24 GHz Automotive Radar 」, NST 2012 (poster)
  • [4]Shao-Ping Yu, Chin-Lung Yang, 「 Design of Low-power Voltage Controlled Oscillator for 24 GHz Automotive Radar 」, IEDMS 2012 (oral)
  • [5]Shao-Ping Yu, Chin-Lung Yang, 「 Design of Ultra Low-power Voltage Controlled Oscillator in 0.18-μm CMOS Technology 」, appeared to PIERS 2012.
  • [6]C.-L. Chiang, C.-L. Yang, and S.-P. Yu, “Low-Power Oscillator with Memory Reduction Tail Transistors for 2.4 GHz Applications,” (accepted to appear) in in the 42nd European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC), 2012.
  • [7]C.-L. Yang, C.-L. Chiang, and S.-P. Yu, “Dynamic Control to Enhance Locking Range of Divide-by-Five Prescaler for 24 GHz PLL,” to be appeared in IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, June 2013.
  • 張世杰(102級)
  • a750707123@gmail.com
  • 研究方向:動物運動平台設計
  • 特殊事蹟
    1. 1. 參與101學年度大學院校智慧電子系統設計大賽-定題挑戰組-張世杰.許家華.周家緯.湯硯程
    2. 2. [4C電子] 智慧型手機與平板電腦之創意周邊與應用服務獲得佳作
    3. 發展:裕隆汽車
  • 論文發表
    • [1]建構鼠類強迫式滾輪運動之PPG非侵入式心率量測系統 Heart Rate Measurement Systems of Rodents Based on Forced Wheel Running Exercise Using Non-invasive Photoplethysmography
    • [2]陳啟鈞(Chi-Chun Chen), 張世杰(Shih-Chieh Chan), 楊慶隆* (Chin-Lung Yang) 2012生物醫學工程科技研討會暨國科會醫學工程學門成果發表會。(學生壁報發表競賽優等)。
    • [3]Chi-Chun Chen, Ming-Wen Chang, Shih-Chieh Chan, Shih-Chi Lin, Ming-Shing Young, and Chin-Lung Yang "MENTAL STRESS STUDY USING ROBUSTNESS NON-INVASIVE PHYSIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS" Symposium on Engineering Medicine and Biology Applications(SEMBA), 2013 (oral)
  • 黃志宏(102級)
  • n26001602@mail.ncku.edu.tw
  • 研究方向:energy harvesting
  • 興趣:看棒球
  • 論文發表
  • Journal Papers
    • [1]C.-H. Huang , and C.-L. Yang, "An Ultra-Low Voltage Input Step-Up System For Energy Harvesting,"the 33rd Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering
  • Conference Papers
    • [1]Chih-Hung Huang, Chin-Lung Yang, "Energy Harvesting Systems for Low Input Power from Vibration Sources of High Energy Density and Low Frequency",IEEE International Future Energy Electronics Conf., Nov. 2013
  • 陳柏安(103級)
  • chko9105@gmail.com
  • 研究方向:Phase Locked Loop / Voltage Control Oscillator
  • 頻域光子遷移系統 (FPDM)
  • 興趣:電腦、桌球、畫畫
  • 楊景文(103級)
  • ray790517max@gmail.com
  • 研究方向:無線傳能
  • 興趣:打籃球
  • 特殊事蹟
    1. 1.教育部2011年學海築夢獎助學金
  • 論文發表
    • [1]C.-W. Yang, C.-L. Yang,“Design and Analysis of the Dual-Mode Coupled Magnetic Resonance Wireless Power Transfer," (to be appeared) in 2012 National Symposium Telecommunications (NST2012), 2012.
    • [2]Chin-Lung Yang, Yu-Lin Yang, Ching-Wen Yang, "應用於低侵入無線傳能系統之植入射頻整流晶片," (to be appeared) in 2012 National Symposium Telecommunicatiosn (NST2012)
    • [3]C.-L. Yang, Y.-L. Yang, C.-W. Yang, “Adaptive Pulse Waveform Modulation to Enhance Wireless Power Efficiency for Biomedical Applications,” to be appeared in IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, June 2013
    • [4]C.-W. Yang, C.-L. Yang, "Analysis of High-Efficient Resonant Wireless Power Transmission with Matching Source and Load Coupling," in 2013 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference (APRASC’13)
  • 許家華(103級)
  • show3925@gmail.com
  • 研究方向:電阻抗凝血
  • 興趣:打籃球、看電影
  • 特殊事蹟
    1. 1.參與101學年度大學院校智慧電子系統設計大賽-定題挑戰組-張世杰.許家華.周家緯.湯硯程
    2. 2.[4C電子] 智慧型手機與平板電腦之創意周邊與應用服務獲得佳作
  • 陳仕恩(103級)
  • tp6g4p@hotmail.com
  • 研究方向:接收端電路設計、
  • 喚醒接收電路設計
  • 興趣:玩樂器、聽相聲
  • 李杰森
  • n26980076@mail.ncku.edu.tw
  • 研究方向:匹配電路、共振腔微波感測技術
  • 碩士論文
  • 藉阻抗匹配網路實現之新型可調式多頻帶天線
  • 興趣:打壘球、潛水
  • 論文發表
  • Journal Papers
    • [2]C.-L. Yang*, C.-L. Tsai, Y.-L. Yang, and C.-S. Lee, “Enhancement of Wireless Power Transmission by Using Novel Multitone Approaches for Wireless Recharging,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, v.10, 2011. (SCI, 19/77, IF=1.032).
    • [3]C.-S. Lee and C.-L. Yang*, “Design of Triple-band Coupling Matrix-based Matching Network,” submitted to IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 2012
    • [4]C.-S. Lee and C.-L. Yang, "Design of Triple-band Coupling Matrix-based Matching Network,"IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett (submitted).
    • [5]C.-S. Lee and C.-L. Yang, “Single-Compound Complementary Split-Ring Resonator for Simultaneously Measuring the Permittivity and Thickness of Dual-Layer Dielectric Materials," IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques, v. 63, i. 6, pp. 2010-2023, June 2015. DOI: 10.1109/TMTT.2015.2418768 (SCI, IF=2.943, 5-Year Journal Impact Factor = 2.727, ranking=12.1%, R/C=30/248, ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC)
    • [6]C.-S. Lee, K.-W. Chen, and K.-Z. Chen and C.-L. Yang*, "Noncontact Measurement of Complex Permittivity and Thickness by Using Planar Resonators," IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2016 (SCI, IF=2.243, ranking=18.5%, R/C=46/249, ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC ) .
  • Book Chapter
    • [1] C.-L. Yang and C.-S. Lee, Ultra Wideband Communications: Novel Trends / Book 2, Chapter 17: Reconfigurable Antennas of Wide Tuning Ranges and Controllable Selectivity Using Matching Networks, ISBN: 978-953-307-452-8, INTECH Open Access, Croatia, July 2011. DOI: 10.5772/20306
  • Conference Papers
    • [1]C.-C. Lo, Y.-L. Yang, C.-L. Tsai, C.-S. Lee, and C.-L. Yang, "Novel Wireless Impulsive Power Transmission to Enhance the Conversion Efficiency for Low Input Power," IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Innovative Wireless Power Transmission(IMWS 2011)
    • [2]Y.-L. Yang, C.-L. Yang, C.-L. Tsai, and C.-S. Lee, “Efficiency Improvement of the Impulsive Wireless Power Transmission Through Biomedical Tissues by Varying the Duty Cycle,” IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Innovative Wireless Power Transmission(IMWS 2011).
    • [3]C.-S. Lee and C.-L. Yang, "Design of Dual-band Coupling Matrix-based Matching Network,"in 33rd Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Taipei,Taiwan.
    • [4]C.-S. Lee and C.-L. Yang, “Non-contact measurement of permittivity and thickness using planar resonators,” in IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, 2015.
    • [5]C.-S. Lee and C.-L. Yang, “Single Compound Complementary Split-Ring Resonator for Simultaneously Measuring Permittivity and Thickness,” in IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, June 2014..
  • 陳家賢(104級)
  • magic0106@hotmail.com
  • 研究方向:壓電獵能IC、啟動電路設計
  • 興趣:聽音樂
  • 陳彥儒(104級)
  • a093524@gmail.com
  • 研究方向:天線設計、DC-DC Converter
  • 王友仁(105級)
  • 研究方向:光學檢測、凝血檢測試驗開發
  • 論文發表
  • Conference Papers
    • Y.R. Wang, C.L. Yang, “Using Open Complementary Split-Ring Resonators for Blood Coagulation Detection,”2016 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation (APCAP).
  • 張仲凱(105級)
  • 研究方向:微型化無線傳能
  • 論文發表
  • Conference Papers
    • [1]C.K. Chang, C.L. Yang, “Power Transfer Efficiency Improved by Thicker Coil Structure for Implanted Biomedical IC,” Electromagnetics (iWEM), 2016 IEEE International Workshop on.
    • [2]C.K. Chang, C.L. Yang, “Inductive 3-coil wireless power transfer improved by T-type impedance matching for implanted ic,” IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conf., pp. 1-4, May. 2015..
  • 陳冠州(105級)
  • 研究方向:微波工程應用_共振腔微波感測技術
  • 論文發表
  • Journal Papers
    • C.-S. Lee, K.-W. Chen, and K.-Z. Chen and C.-L. Yang*, "Noncontact Measurement of Complex Permittivity and Thickness by Using Planar Resonators," IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2016
  • Conference Papers
    • C.-M. Hsu, K.-Z. Chen, C.-S. Lee, C.-L. Yang,"Improved Approach Using Multiple Planar Complementary Split-Ring Resonators for Accurate Measurement of Permittivity,"in IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium (IWS 2016).
  • 葉怡伶(105級)
  • 研究方向:熱電獵能、DC-DC converter
  • Conference Papers
    • K.-W. Chen Jia-Sian Chen, Yi-Ling Yeh, Yen-Dru Chen and C.-L. Yang, “Self-powered batteryless wireless communication systems for internet of things based on piezoelectric energy harvester,” in IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, 2015.
  • 許家銘(106級)
  • 研究方向:微波感測應用
  • 論文發表
  • Conference Papers
    • C. -M. Hsu*, C.-L. Yang,"High Sensitive Detection of Flow Rate and Permittivity Through Microfluidics Based on Complementary Split-Ring Resonators,"in IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2017).
    • T. -C. Chang, C. -M. Hsu*, K.-W. Chen,C.-L. Yang, "Wearable Sensors Based on a High Sensitive Complementary Split-Ring Resonator for Accurate Cardiorespiratory Sign Measurements,"in IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2017).
    • C.-M. Hsu*, K.-Z. Chen, C.-S. Lee, C.-L. Yang,"Improved Approach Using Multiple Planar Complementary Split-Ring Resonators for Accurate Measurement of Permittivity,"in IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium (IWS 2016).
  • 吳東霖(106級)
  • 研究方向:Vital radar system design
  • 張瑋芳(107級)
  • 研究方向:雷達系統設計
  • 論文發表
  • Conference Papers
    • [1] W.-F. Chang, K.-W. Chen, and C.-L. Yang, “Noise Tolerable Vital Sign Detection Using Phase Accumulated Demodulation for FMCW Radar System,” in IMBioC, 2018 (IMBioC 2018).
  • 論文發表
  • Journal Papers
    • [1] Y.-D. Cheng, W.-H. Huang, C.-L. Yang, “Design of Dual Frequency Mixed Coupling Coils of Wireless Power and Data Transfer to Enhance Lateral and Angular Misalignment Tolerance,” IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF, and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology.
  • Conference Papers
    • [1] T.-C. Yu,C.-L. Yang, "Design and Analysis of Dual-Frequency Power Amplifier for Wireless Power and Data Transfer Application ,"in IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference (WPTC 2017).
  • 張大中(107級)
  • 研究方向:微波感測技術
  • 論文發表
  • Conference Papers
    • [1] T. -C. Chang, C. -M. Hsu, K.-W. Chen,C.-L. Yang, "Wearable Sensors Based on a High Sensitive Complementary Split-Ring Resonator for Accurate Cardiorespiratory Sign Measurements,"in IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2017).
    • [2] Chin-Lung Yang, Ta-Chung Chang and Yi-Ying Chen, "Microwave Sensors Applying for Traditional Chinese Medicine Pulse Diagnosis,"in IEEE International Workshop on Electromagneticsm (IWEM 2017).
    • [3] T. -C. Chang, K.-W. Chen, C.-H. Chen, P.-K. Chan,C.-L. Yang, "Fingertip Pulse Signals Enhanced by Using Intermodulation Multiplication of Active High-Sensitivity Split-Ring Resonator" in IEEE IMS (2018)
  • 陳冠維
  • joseph210385@gmail.com
  • 研究方向: 壓電獵能器、天線設計
  • 碩士論文:
  • 物鏡式波長解析表面電漿共振系統於高空間解析度生物量測之應用
  • 專長: 微流道製程技術、光學微流體、表面電漿共振技術
  • 興趣:攝影(數位及底片)、木吉他、棒球
  • 論文發表
  • Journal Papers
      • [1] C.-L. Tsai, K.-W. Chen*, and C.-L. Yang. "Implantable Wideband Low Specific Absorption Rate Antenna on a Thin Flexible Substrate. “IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,Vol. 14, 2015 (SCI, IF=1.579, ranking=28.6%, R/C=22/77, TELECOMMUNICATIONS).
      • [2] C.-S. Lee, K.-W. Chen*, and K.-Z. Chen and C.-L. Yang, "Noncontact Measurement of Complex Permittivity and Thickness by Using Planar Resonators," IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2016 (SCI, IF=2.243, ranking=18.5%, R/C=46/249, ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC ).
      • [3] C.-L. Tsai, K.-W. Chen*, and C.-L. Yang. "Implantable Wideband Low Specific Absorption Rate Antenna on a Thin Flexible Substrate.“IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 15, 2016(SCI, IF=1.579, ranking=28.6%, R/C=22/77, TELECOMMUNICATIONS).
      • [4] C. H. Lin, K. W. Chen* and T. Y. Li, “Rapid Soda-lime Glass Etching Process for Producing Microfluidic Channels with Higher Aspect Ratio”, Microsystem Technologies, 2013.
    • Conference Papers
      • [1] T. -C. Chang, C. -M. Hsu, K.-W. Chen*,C.-L. Yang, "Wearable Sensors Based on a High Sensitive Complementary Split-Ring Resonator for Accurate Cardiorespiratory Sign Measurements,"in IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2017).
      • [2]K. W. Chen, T. Y. Li and C. H. Lin, “Anisotropic Soda-lime Glass Etching Process for Producing Microfluidic Channels with Higher Aspect Ratio”, HARMNST 2013
      • [3]陳冠維,林哲信, “全反射物鏡式表面電漿共振顯微系統於微流體中之即時生醫檢測與應用”,精密機械與製造科技研討會, 2013.
      • [4]K.-W. Chen Jia-Sian Chen, Yi-Ling Yeh, Yen-Dru Chen and C.-L. Yang, “Self-powered batteryless wireless communication systems for internet of things based on piezoelectric energy harvester,” in IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, 2015.
  • 陳佳暉
  • chen887823@gmail.com
  • 研究方向: 微波感測技術
  • 碩士論文:
  • 振幅解調之高靈敏環形共振腔 量測局部脈波波速
  • 詹博凱
  • harry61208@gmail.com
  • 研究方向: 微波感測技術
  • 碩士論文:
  • 藉可調陷波響應之整合型微波平面共振腔量測脈搏傳輸時間以實現無壓脈帶血壓估測
  • 論文發表
  • Conference Papers
    • [1] Chan, Po Kai, Chi Chun Chen, and Chin-Lung Yang. "Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure Estimation from Pulse Transit Time Using Dual Split-Ring Resonators with Notch Structure." 2019 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, IMS 2019. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2019..
  • 黃威翔
  • idfzmx@gmail.com
  • 研究方向: 無線傳能
  • 碩士論文:
  • 藉混和耦合提升四線圈架構無線傳能之 功率傳輸效率及錯位容忍力
  • 方冠唯
  • mark30124@gmail.com
  • 研究方向: 雷達系統設計
  • 碩士論文:
  • 使用基於微波開關之雷達系統同時偵測多人多方向生理訊號
  • 論文發表
  • Journal Papers
      • [1] Fang, Guan-Wei, Ching-Yao Huang, and Chin-Lung Yang. "Switch-Based Low Intermediate Frequency System of a Vital Sign Radar for Simultaneous Multitarget and Multidirectional Detection." IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology (2020)..
  • 鍾佳熙
  • a22347639@gmail.com
  • 研究方向: 無線傳能
  • 碩士論文:
  • 藉蛇行線圈結構及雙電容拓樸網路提升無線傳能系統水平錯位容忍度與傳能效率最佳化
  • 論文發表
  • Conference Papers
      • [1] Chia-Hsi Chung, Chin-Lung Yang. "Novel Parallel Serpentine Coils with High Lateral Misalignment Tolerance and Power Transfer Efficiency Optimization (2020)..
  • 黃敬堯
  • huangchingyao0933599939@gmail.com
  • 研究方向: 雷達系統設計
  • 碩士論文:
  • 使用FMCW雷達系統在複雜非穩態雜波環境下以ECEPC演算法還原生理訊號
  • 論文發表
  • Conference Papers
      • [1] Ching-Yao Huang, Guan-Wei Fang, Huey-Ru Chuang, Chin-Lung Yang. "Clutter-Resistant Vital Sign Detection Using Amplitude-Based Demodulation by EEMD-PCA-Correlation Algorithm for FMCW Radar Systems (2019)..
  • 張中澤
  • lf20101019@gmail.com
  • 研究方向: 微波感測技術
  • 碩士論文:
  • 應用主動式微擾共振振盪器與毫米波球型感測器於高靈敏生理訊號量測技術之設計
  • 論文發表
  • Conference Papers
      • [1] Chung-Tse Chang, Chin-Lung Yang, Utpal Dey, Jan Hesselbarth. "Measuring Vital Signs on Fingertip Using K-Band Spherical Dielectric Resonator (2021)..
  • 林凱尉
  • e24054106@mail.ncku.edu.tw
  • 研究方向: 微波感測技術
  • 碩士論文:
  • 振動感測器使用互補式開口環形共振器結合單擺結構應用於微小振動偵測
  • 論文發表
  • Conference Papers
      • [1] Kai-Wei Lin, Chin-Lung Yang. "Vibration Sensors Using Complementary Split-Ring Resonators Based on Pendulum Structure for Frequency Detection (2021)..
  • 王耀輝
  • t31801@gmail.com
  • 研究方向: 微波感測技術
  • 碩士論文:
  • 平面互補式開口環型諧振器感測曲面生物組織厚度及曲度
  • 論文發表
  • Conference Papers
      • [1] Yao-Hui Wang, Chin-Lung Yang. "A Transformation of Biological Tissue from Non-Planar to Effective Planar Based on Complementary Split-Ring Resonators (2020)..
  • 吳冠儒
  • a8311135@gmail.com
  • 研究方向: 雷達系統設計
  • 碩士論文:
  • 在非穩態雜波環境中使用基於VMD演算法提高心率估計準確度應用於FMCW雷達系統
  • 論文發表
  • Conference Papers
      • [1] Kuan Ju Wu, Chin-Lung Yang. "Heart Rate Extraction with VMD Algorithm in Non-Stationary Clutter Environment Based on FMCW Radar Systems (2021)..
  • 李明鴻
  • demaciaa10@gmail.com
  • 研究方向: 雷達系統設計
  • 碩士論文:
  • 混合頻率調變連續波與頻率偏移調變雷達以改善多目標量測下之可解析距離
  • 論文發表
  • Conference Papers
      • [1] Ming Hong Li, Kuan Ju Wu, Chin Lung Yang. "Multi-target Monitoring for Distinguishable Range Improvement Using a Hybrid FMCW-FSK 24 GHz Radar (2021)..
  • 曾文滔
  • N26061791@mail.ncku.edu.tw
  • 研究方向: 雷達系統設計
  • 碩士論文:
  • 使用FSK雷達架構之匹配濾波器改良FTPR演算法提升生理訊號量測準確率
  • 論文發表
  • Conference Papers
      • [1] ..
  • 林揚証
  • a0932901069@gmail.com
  • 研究方向: 雷達系統設計
  • 碩士論文:
  • 多目標的灰狼優化心率提取演算法應用於連續波雷達系統
  • 論文發表
  • Conference Papers
      • [1] Yang Zheng Lin, Chin Lung Yang. "Heart Rate Extraction of Doppler Radar Systems Using Grey Wolf Optimization for Multiple Targets (2022)..
  • 謝侑瑾
  • tomhsieh8626@gmail.com
  • 研究方向: 微波感測技術設計
  • 碩士論文:
  • 相位變化微波感測器基於負群延遲特徵應用於喉音偵測
  • 論文發表
  • Conference Papers
      • [1] ..
  • 鄭珮伶
  • n26100375@gs.ncku.edu.tw
  • 研究方向: 雷達系統設計
  • 碩士論文:
  • 基於頻率調變連續波雷達系統下應用希伯特振動分解演算法(HVD)在身體隨機晃動中的心率偵測研究
  • 論文發表
  • Journal Papers
      • [1] Per-Ling Cheng, Chin Lung Yang. "Heart Rate Detection With Hilbert Vibration Decomposition in Random Body Movements Based on FMCW Radars (2023)..
  • 李建莆
  • 1106104336@nkust.edu.tw
  • 研究方向: 雷達系統設計
  • 碩士論文:
  • 在頻率調變連續波雷達系統應用基於穩健局部均值分解與維特比演算法在環境雜波干擾中萃取心臟活動研究
  • 論文發表
  • Conference Papers
      • [1] Jian-Fu Li, Chin Lung Yang. "High-Accuracy Cardiac Activity Extraction Using RLMD-Based Frequency Envelogram in FMCW Radar Systems (2023)..
  • 陳冠至
  • no87654321@gmail.com
  • 研究方向: 雷達系統設計
  • 碩士論文:
  • 在頻率調變連續波雷達系統中利用基於穩健局部均值分解演算法來消除非穩態雜波並萃取心率
  • 論文發表
  • Conference Papers
      • [1] ..
  • 王得舫
  • defang0963796196@gmail.com
  • 研究方向: 微波感測技術
  • 碩士論文:
  • 線性地震儀使用八角形微波感測器結合倒單擺及折疊式機械架構應用於地震感測
  • 論文發表
  • Conference Papers
      • [1] De-Fang Wang, Chin-Lung Yang, "A Linear Seismometer Using Octagonal Microwave Sensor Based on Inverted Pendulum Structure for Earthquake Detection (2023)..
  • 陳彥廷
  • n26110354@gs.ncku.edu.tw
  • 研究方向: 微波感測技術
  • 碩士論文:
  • 增強開口環共振腔邊緣電場應用於心肺訊號量測
  • 論文發表
  • Conference Papers
      • [1] ..
  • 陳資佶
  • 研究方向: 微波感測技術
  • 碩士論文:
  • 應用於K/Ka-Band三重變壓器雜訊消除技術之極低功耗接收機設計
  • 論文發表
  • Conference Papers
      • [1] ..
  • 韓振元
  • 研究方向: 雷達系統設計
  • 碩士論文:
  • 論文發表
  • Conference Papers
      • [1] ..
  • 許銘哲
  • 研究方向: 微波感測技術
  • 碩士論文:
  • 應用於K-band 之低功耗高靈敏度介電材料檢測系統設計
  • 論文發表
  • Conference Papers
      • [1] Ming-Che Hsu, Chin-Lung Yang, "Low Power and High Sensitivity Dieletric Material Detection System Design for K-band (2024).."
